Our multi-generational financial planning approach seeks to provide you with the clarity, confidence and guidance you need to plan for the responsible stewardship of your family’s wealth over generations. Providence Private Wealth will work with you and your spouse on an ongoing basis to develop investment strategies that seek to:
Ensure that retirement income keeps up with inflation
Develop strategies for mandatory IRA withdrawals
Address the rising cost of medical and long-term care
Provide the surviving spouse with personal, caring assistance in managing investments
Address education objectives for children and grandchildren
We will also establish a working relationship with your children, and grandchildren to help them
Analyze 401(k) plan options and implement strategies to grow these plans
Evaluate mortgage-refinancing options that may substantially reduce mortgage payments
Asses and implement attractive stretch IRA provisions
Review company stock option plans and develop an option exercise strategy.
We will also review or develop an estate plan that seeks to simplify the transfer of your estate to family members. We will work with your other professional advisors, including your CPA and attorney, to ensure that all necessary estate-planning documents are in place, and that a plan is effectively coordinated and implemented on your behalf.
*The term "stretch IRA" is a marketing term used to describe an IRA that is set up to extend the period of tax deferred earnings beyond the lifetime of the individual who created the account . The accounts are typically designed to last over multiple generations.